October 12, 2023


The Associate Provost (UBC at Surrey) was seeking support with the development of an academic impact analysis pertaining to the University’s proposed expansion into the city of Surrey.

Our Actions:

  • Researched and analyzed trends in the following areas:
    • Regional student secondary school graduation rates;
    • Regional student transition rates to post-secondary education and migration; and,
    • Admissions trends for comparator programming, including admit/yield rates and GPAs
  • Developed institutional profiles for post-secondary institutions already located in Surrey
  • Conducted peer benchmarking on student enrolment and Ministry funding utilization


  • SDS developed comprehensive institutional profiles for peer institutions, including:
    • A complete database of all academic program offerings, and identification of areas of possible overlap
    • Student enrolment analysis, by citizenship and major program cluster
    • An assessment of Ministry funding utilization rates, identifying potential unmet demand; and,
    • An assessment of Ministry funding investments over time
  • SDS prepared supporting analysis on admissions trends and student migration patterns, to aid in the assessment of market sizing for the Surrey campus

  • Decision-Making Support

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