
The ownership of the Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Clinic, located at the Chan Gunn Pavilion (the Pavilion), had recently been transferred to the Department of Family Practice (Faculty of Medicine) as a key enabler for the development of the transformative Sports Exercise Medicine HUB at UBC. Leadership was seeking a review of the operating and governance model of the Pavilion to develop a plan for financial sustainability and an effective governance structure in support of and alignment with the desired future state outcomes for the SEM program at UBC.

Our Actions:

  • Engagement with the Pavilion’s internal and external stakeholders to understand current state and desired future state challenges and opportunities for optimization of governance and financial health
  • Benchmarking of peer clinics and discussions with select peers to identify best practices, lessons learned, and opportunities for enhancement and / or expansion from both an operations and governance perspective
  • Analysis of unearthed revenue opportunities for retail and service enhancement and/or expansion, including identification of impacts to operations and resourcing
  • Prioritization of revenue opportunities based on a criteria-informed evaluation process
  • Development of a multi-year, baseline budget and scenario based financial model to forecast the financial and resourcing impact of prioritized revenue opportunities, including sensitivity analysis to identify a range of potential outcomes
  • Review and evaluation of the current governance structure including decision-making and advisory roles and responsibilities, and committee attributes
  • A robust validation process with key internal and external stakeholders to test and enhance draft recommendations


  • A set of recommendations for the desired state governance structure including a revised governance structure, a matrix of realigned decision and advisory roles and responsibilities by strategic and operational areas, and a detailed schedule of recommended attributes for committees and sub-committees
  • A set of recommended revenue opportunities including an assessment of financial impact, recommended implementation timeframe, dependencies and resource requirements
  • A ten year, dynamic, scenario-based financial modelling tool which can be used to quantify the financial and resourcing impact of various revenue enhancement opportunities as well as develop financial budgets and forecasts for the Pavilion
  • All recommendations were approved by the Head, Department of Family Practice and will be endorsed with the Faculty of Medicine Executive Committee in the winter of 2023 with implementation to follow


  • Financial Planning and Sustainability

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